Inicio / Services / Vocational Guidance

Vocational Guidance

This service is the organizing structure of the set of actions, information and professional guidance, as well as support and monitoring, provided both individually and in groups. It is aimed at people who undergo initial vocational training and people who follow teachings specific to professional insertion or reintegration, or to those who wish to evaluate the skills they have acquired through work experience or non-formal learning or to anyone interested in improving their qualification.

It tries to develop a clear, adjusted and efficient guidance system, based on professional support for women and men, whatever their work or personal situation.

Its function is to collaborate in the coordination activities of the Head of Studies with the tutors.

The Vocational Guidance Department (DIOP) will carry out advisory and coordination tasks for the teaching staff working as tutors in relation to the areas for which it is responsible.

It is also a personal, academic and professional guidance service, not only for our students, but also for people outside the centre or citizens of the municipality who are interested, guiding them in their training itineraries.

In this context, people are our fundamental objective: we believe in the importance of promoting the development of each individual as a citizen and active citizen of the society in which they live. For this reason, vocational training will be oriented towards the acquisition and consolidation of professional, personal and social skills.


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