Inicio / Services / Urratsbat


Urratsbat is a program promoted by the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training of the Department of Education, Universities and Research of the Basque Government and coordinated by TKNIKA. It aims to promote the culture of entrepreneurship among vocational training students and help them create their own company, taking advantage of all the resources, both human and technical, that the Vocational Training Centers provide.

Who it is addressed to:

  • To students of intermediate and higher level Vocational Training Centers.
  • To former students of our centre.
  • To any person who has a relationship with the centre through non-regulated training courses or remote training.

Services offered:

  • A person in charge of the programme at the IEFPS TARTANGA GLHBI, available to the promoter throughout the process.
  • An Entrepreneur’s Office at the Centre, properly equipped, so that the necessary work in the Business creation process can be carried out.
  • The possibility of using the Centre’s equipment during the launch phase (as long as this is possible and does not hinder the normal development of classes).
  • Advice and processing of different aid and subsidies for self-employment.
  • External advice from an organization linked to the business world which cooperates with the IEFPS TARTANGA GLHBI, both in the process of creation and development of the company and in the subsequent monitoring.



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